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Course Pacing Schedule

FA 2018
TU AUG 28 Introduction to course
TH AUG 30 Student Statement of Understanding due
Understanding Comics: Introduction + Chapter 1
Introduce Project I: Value Scales in 11 drawn + painted step
TU SEP 04 
Introduce Project II: Methods of establishing Visual Unity: Color Wheel / Complimentary / Analogous Color pairing
WE SEP 05 End of Add/Drop > JCA Deacon Student Gallery The Lonely Dragon
TH SEP 06 
Understanding Comics: The Vocabulary of Comics, Chapter 2
Complete Project II: Methods of establishing Visual Unity: Color Wheel / Complimentary + Analogous Color pairing
Introduce Project III: Abstract Variations, Figure and Ground Reversal, positive + negative space
4-5:30 Surface Tension exhibition in the Art Gallery in Reisman Hall
TU SEP 11 Critique Project III: Abstract Variations, Figure and Ground Reversal, positive + negative space
Introduce Project IV:  Placement Perspective / Gestalt Theory
TH SEP 13 Project IV:  Placement Perspective / Gestalt Theory
Understanding Comics: A Word About Color, Chapter 8
TU SEP 18 Project IV: Placement Perspective / Gestalt Theory
TH SEP 20  Project IV: Placement Perspective / Gestalt Theory
Understanding Comics: Show + Tell, Chapter 6
TU SEP 25  Pepper absent
TH SEP 27 
DUE Project IV: Placement Perspective / Gestalt Theory
Introduce Project V: Abstraction of a Master 

TU OCT 02 
Project V: Abstraction of a Master
TH OCT 04 
TU OCT 09  Autumn Break!
TH OCT 11 Midterm 
TU OCT 16 
Project V: Abstraction of a Master

TH OCT 18 
Project V: Abstraction of a Master

TU OCT 23 
Introduce: Project VI: Wasteland and Transformative media

TH OCT 25 
Project VI: Wasteland and Transformative materials

TU OCT 30 
Critique Project VI: Wasteland & Transformative Media

TH NOV 01  
Project VII: Balance & Unity  
MO NOV 05 Pre Registration week SP 2019
TU NOV 06 
Project VII: Balance & Unity   
TH NOV 08  
Project VII: Balance & Unity
Introduce Project IX: Ernst Haeckl - Nature-Inspired Design                 
TU NOV 13 
Project VII: Balance & Unity
TH NOV 15 
Read McCloud Understanding Comics:  Blood in the Gutter   
Critique: Project VII: Balance & Unity
>Thanksgiving recess MON NOV 19 thru FRI NOV 23 (full week off) < 
TU NOV 27 

ONE on ONE Discussions for  Ernst Haeckel - Nature-Inspired Design --
Come to our discussion with the following: 
Ernst Haeckel color plate (or 2 plates you have decided on)
3 examples of global design you see that Haeckel may have influenced with details of designer, title, media, year
8 thumbnail concept drawings in your sketchbook 
1 full sized drawing in your sketchbook
TH NOV 29 
Read McCloud Understanding Comics: Chapter on Color (8) - discussion - bring in your notes & make a copy of them

TU DEC 04 
Project VIII: Ernst Haeckel - Nature-Inspired Design 
DUE: Color Palette due in acrylic -- figure-ground reversal inspired by project shape                
TH DEC 06 Last day to withdraw from a class
Understanding Comics: Putting it all Together, Chapter 9 
Project VIII: Ernst Haeckl - Nature-Inspired Design                                                                                                                                                            
TU DEC 11   
Project VIII: Ernst Haeckel - Nature-Inspired Design  
TH DEC 13 Last class of Fall term  Project IX: Ernst Haeckel - Nature-Inspired Design 

Friday, December 14 from 2:45 - 4:45 PM
Critique Project VIII: Ernst Haeckl - Nature-Inspired Design                 
Please note, if any student is scheduled for more than two exams in a single day they need to notify Dr. Jesse Lott in the Academic Learning Center.

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