Abstract Variations:
Figure and Ground Reversal
Positive + Negative Shape
Activating Negative Space
Figure and Ground Reversal
Positive + Negative Shape
Activating Negative Space
Objectives + Goals:
In this assignment, you will be creating a relationship between the figure (the object) and the ground (the air), and how they may morph into one and other in 4 steps. Note, the first image above in black and white example shows 12.
- Choose a letter or number of your choice. Enlarge it to fit into a 5" square.
- In your sketchbook create 8 - 10 small thumbnails 2" square (with a ruler, please). Within each square, you will sketch up some ideas to get your creative minds designing. In each square allow yourself to develop the design into a dynamic figure-ground reversal. Try adding thin and thick lines, designed with smaller and larger negative shapes. Allow your design to crop on a number of edges of the square.
- Arrange the best designs created from #2 above into four squares of 4" x 4" each, stacked - two above and two below. The overall design will be 8" x 8"
- Using your Sharpie marker fill in the positive and negative space so that it alternates. This will push the figure to the background and negative form forward.
- Translate this design onto your Bristol board, using 5" squares. The overall dimension of your design will be 10" x 10". Float in the center of the paper.
- Choose a complementary pair. This will serve as the pair for this painting.
- The first block, in the upper left, will be the primary and secondary.
- The second block, in the upper right, will be the lightest compliment pairs by adding the opposite of their hue.
- The third block, lower left, will be a little darker compliments of the two hues. Let's call this the middle values.
- The fourth block, in the lower right, will be the darkest of the compliment pair.
Student Work