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Materials List

Materials List
ArtBox or waterproof toolbox to keep all supplies in
8 x 10” or larger sketchbook
14 x 11” Pad of White Bristol Board
Extra Fine and Fine Sharpie Black markers

Drawing pencils: HB, 2B, 6B, Ebony, pencil sharpener.
Acrylic Paints: 
Mars Black
Titanium White
Cadmium Yellow Light
Napthol Red or Cadmium Red Medium
Ultramarine or Cobalt Blue
+ any other colors you may wish to have

Inexpensive acrylic brushes 
1” flat or round white synthetic brush suitable for acrylic paint
Roll of Wax paper found at your local grocery store
1 Roll of 1” Drafting or Artist’s Tape or 1 roll of Painter's tape
India Ink + plastic water container
Bamboo brush – round # 4 or # 6
metal compass  
Rubber paper cement
Handled Xacto blade and extra blades
Metal edged ruler (minimum edge 18")
1box clear pushpins
White or Black Plastic Drawing eraser
Black vinyl portfolio to carry all your work in
2 pocketed paper folder to keep all hand outs and assignments in

Other supplies may be announced in advance of assignment, such as Hot Press Illustration Board, watercolor paper, etc. as needed

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